About Us

 We found when people get clear, when their Atlas gets clear, they WAKE UP.

What does it mean to live clear? When your body can effectively hold an adjustment and your Atlas is clear, not misaligned or subluxated, we call that living clear. That's when the upper cervical spine is clear of interference in the nervous system. It is free of pressure, and when that happens, your body can heal itself.


What does it mean to WAKE UP?


When you start getting clear, and you start connecting. Connecting to your soul and spirit for your purpose in life. Discovering what you were meant to do in this life. When you find that, your life becomes awesome.


Wake Up Humans has become a mission and recently more so a movement. It started with me and my purpose in life and having a mission to transform people's lives. Now, it's become a movement. People are spreading this message to their friends, loved ones, anyone they know and care about. Creating a tribe of people.




Find your purpose and passion in life, to be awesome!

When you WAKE UP, and you start living clear, life is awesome.


Not only is your life, but your loved ones lives, your family's lives become happy, healthy, vibrant, abundant, and more loving. Love is life's only expression. Ultimately when our spirit, soul, and purpose unite, we understand it and see it. Because now we have awoken.

We awake from within. We allow this energy to guide us.

We become unstoppable in achieving our dreams, our passion, and our purpose in life.